Which plot statistics are being calculated?

  • Updated

When you export plot-level data, MAPEO calculates statistics of the layer(s) and date(s) that you have requested. When exporting the statistics via the website, the naming structure of the files is as follows:

mapeo_stats_[account]_[location]_ [layer]_[product]_[mask*]_[date]_[hour].csv/zip

(*) only in case a masked statistics was requested

Depending on the type of product (raster vs vector), you will find the following information in the statistics file:

Raster products

Column name Description Units
Id Plot ID  
area Area of the plot m2
Min Minimum of all raster product values within the plot

Product depending, see


Max Maximum of all raster product values within the plot
Mean Mean of all raster product values within the plot
Sum Sum of all raster product values within the plot
Std Standard deviation of all raster product values within the plot
median Median of all raster product values within the plot
Percentile_x Value of Xth percentile of all raster product values within the plot
“User-defined information” All user defined information present in the field layer will be copied into the output statistics



Vector Products:

Column name Description Units
date Date of the product date
Id Plot ID N/A
area Area of the plot m2
Object_x Object type X N/A
Count_x Amount of objects type X within the boundary of the plot N/A
Density_x Amount of objects type X per m2 N/A
Objectarea_x Total area of object type X within the boundary of the plot m2
Min_x Minimal area of object type X within the boundary of the plot m2
Max_x Maximal area of object type X within the boundary of the plot m2
Mean_x Mean area of object type X within the boundary of the plot m2
Std_x Standard deviation of all areas of object type X within the boundary of the plot m2
Var_x Variation of all areas of object type X within the boundary of the plot m2
“User-defined information” All user defined information present in the field layer will be copied into the output statistics


For more information on the available product:
