Plant phenotyping

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Plant phenotyping is the assessment of plant traits, which are influenced by genetics of the plant variety and the environmental in which it grows. These traits can be important indicators for evaluating particular new seed varieties or agricultural products for different environmental conditions. Through the MAPEO platform, we have created a functional and easy-to-use workflow for phenotyping crops and the analysis of crop traits throughout the growing season. As phenotyping requires identifying and analyzing traits of interest, MAPEO offers different crop indices, biomass and height products, as well as AI-driven counting algorithms to help crop breeders analyze plots for both seed development and production.

The MAPEO products, specific for phenotyping are:

Product name Product container Type Source Description Unit
ortho Base Raster RGB Orthomosaic, providing visual overview of the location N/A
ortho-ms Base Raster MSP Orthomosaic, providing visual overview of the location  
dsm Base Raster RGB Digital Surface Model, including both the elevation of the soil and plant Meter
dsm-ms Base Raster MSP Digital Surface Model, including both the elevation of the soil and plant Meter
dtm Base Raster RGB Digital Terrain Model of the bare soils of the location, removing the elevation of the plants. Bare soil or low elevation grass needs to be present between the plots to create a good quality dtm. Meter
dtm-ms Base Raster MSP Digital Terrain Model of the bare soils of the location, removing the elevation of the plants. Bare soil or low elevation grass needs to be present between the plots to create a good quality dtm.  
mask mask Raster RGB Mask based on the crop cover product 0 (soil) or 255 (vegetation)
mask-ms mask Raster MSP Mask based on the crop cover-ms product 0 (soil) or 255 (vegetation)
cover map Raster RGB Classification product which gives an indication of percentage crop coverage per pixel %plant cover
cover-ms map Raster MSP Classification product which gives an indication of percentage crop coverage per pixel %plant cover
plantheight map Raster RGB Plantheight calculated based on the dsm product and the dtm or dtm-ms on the first timepoint of that region. meter
plantheight-ms map Raster MSP Plantheight calculated based on the dsm-ms product and the dtm or dtm-ms on the first timepoint of that region meter
powdery-mildew map Raster RGB Classification of powdery mildew infected leaves N/A
yellowindex map Raster RGB Index on a scale of 0-1 of how yellowness N/A
cigreen map Raster MSP Chlorofyle Index based on the NIR and green spectral band, used to calculate chlorofyl content in the leaves N/A
cirededge map Raster MSP Chlorofyle Index based on the NIR and RedEdge spectral band, used to calculate chlorofyl content in the leaves N/A
mcari map Raster MSP MCARI gives a measure of the depth of chlorophyll absorption and is very sensitive to variations in chlorophyll concentrations as well as variations in Leaf Area Index (LAI). N/A
ndre map Raster MSP The Normalized Difference Red Edge index is a modification of the traditional broadband NDVI. This VI differs from the NDVI by using bands along the red edge, instead of the main absorption and reflectance peaks. The NDRE capitalizes on the sensitivity of the vegetation red edge to small changes N/A
ndvi map Raster MSP The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) is one of the oldest, most well-known, and most frequently used vegetation index. The combination of its normalized difference formulation and use of the highest absorption and reflectance regions of chlorophyll make it robust over a wide range of conditions. It can, however, saturate in dense vegetation conditions when LAI becomes high. N/A
psri map Raster MSP The Plant Senescence Reflectance Index is designed to maximize the sensitivity of the index to the ratio of bulk carotenoids (for example, alpha-carotene and beta-carotene) to chlorophyll. An increase in PSRI indicates increased canopy stress (carotenoid pigment), the onset of canopy senescence, and plant fruit ripening. N/A
tdvi map raster TRM Temperature map of the field Degrees (Celsius)
count ai Vector RGB Count product is generated by an object detection or object segmentation algorithm. It identifies the location and the sizes of plant or plant organs (wheat ears, fruits, flowers, etc… Multiple object types per product is supported N/A
ortho-skysat satellite Raster Skysat Overview image based on planet - skysat satellite data N/A
ndvi-skysat satellite Raster Skysat Ndvi product based on planet - skysat satellite data N/A


Products are generally assembled in product bundles which can be ordered in the ordering workflow. Following product bundles are available.

Product bundle name Sensor type Available Image resolution (mm) Product list Remarks
Basemap RGB RGB 1-2-10 Ortho/dsm  
Crop biomass - RGB RGB 2-5-10



Crop biomass - MSP MSP 10-20-30-50



Crop Health MSP 10-20-30-50

Ortho-ms/ dsm-ms/dtm-ms/



Powdery Mildew RGB 2 Ortho/cover/mask/powdery-mildew  
Crop Objects - Ear RGB 1 Ortho/Count Available for wheat
Crop Objects - Plant RGB 2-5 Ortho/Count/cover/mask Available for sugar beet, lettuce, pumpkin, broccoli, maize
Crop Objects – Flower head RGB 2 Ortho/Count Available for onion, strawberry
Crop Objects – Fruit RGB 2 Ortho/Count Available for broccoli, tomato, pumpkin
Crop thermal TRM 50 tdvi  


For different product bundles you have the choice to a specific image resolution, which may vary according to crop type, growing stage, and desired measurement precision. We advise to keep the amount of drone flights per timepoint restricted to 1 or 2. For instance, if you are interested in crop biomass and crop health at a certain timepoint, select a “crop biomass – msp” and “crop health” product with the same resolution. This will keep the amount of drone flights to a minimum.