How to verify the flight lines ?

  • Updated

After the image quality has been checked, you can continue with the selection of the flight lines, i.e. the selection of the drone images for processing.


Select start and stop position of the mission

You can select the drone images to process, by selecting the start and end point of the mission. They usually correspond to the first/last way-point of your drone mission.
The start point should be the first point of the first flight line. This implies that the next image is at the average inter-spacing in the direction of the flight line.
The stop point should be the last point of the last flight line.
Images taken on the ground or during take-off and landing should not be selected.


After selection of the stop point, the software will automatically calculate the different flight lines and the images to include for processing in between the start and stop position. Images before the start position and after the end position will not be considered for upload nor processing. In case the “Only points on flight line” option is selected in the mission profile, any images taken in between the flight lines will not be uploaded neither.

These are the steps in the actual selection:

  • Set the mouse mode to “Select Start”
  • click on the orange dot representing the position of the first image (of the first line)
  • This start point will now be marked on the screen with a green dot


  • Set the mouse mode to “Select Stop”
  • click on the orange dot representing the position of the last image (of the last line)
  • This stop point will now be marked on the screen with a red dot.



Manual (de)selection of images is also provided:

Set the mouse mode to “+” and drag a box around one or more orange dots to add the corresponding images to the selection.

Set the mouse mode to “-” and drag a box around one or more orange dots to remove the corresponding images from the selection.

Set the mouse mode to “N” to neglect any selection box drawn by the user.


Verify images selected for upload

After the stop point is selected:

  • the flight lines are calculated and drawn. They are labelled, and colored (green/blue), depending on the flight direction
  • images that are excluded from the selection, are still represented by orange dots
  • the number of images included in the selection is displayed, e.g. 194 out of the 194 images


Check whether:

  • the flight lines are drawn parallel
  • their numbering is consistent
  • all the relevant images are having a black dot and not an orange one
  • images taken in turns, taken before the first or after the last way-point are excluded (orange)
  • for multi-spectral flights: calibration images are shown as blue dots (selected for upload)



In case relevant images are missing from the selection:

  • If only a few images are missing, add them using the “+” functionality.
  • If many relevant images are missing, try disabling the “Only points on flight lines” parameter in the mission profile tab
  • Check the Field Software user manual for more details (section 'Changing flight line detection parameters'

In case there is an issue with the validation of individual images:

  • these images will be highlighted by a red box:


In case calibration images are missing for multi-spectral flights:

  • the following error is raised:



Once the flight lines have been verified and everything is fine, you can continue with the verification of the image overlap.